Day 11

Hi Y'all!

Today was a special day. Well it was for some of the crew. We crossed the equator. We're now in the South Pacific! (00º 56.31' S 109º 35.75' W) They had a special "ceremony" for the crew members who had never crossed the equator before. Had Poseidon and his mermaid and a merman too (equal opportunity and all that). They held court and all the crew members being inducted were advised of their crimes and made to kiss the fish (a big ugly black fish on a block of ice) and then were slathered in some kind of foam and the staff voted whether they were to be thrown in the water or saved. A couple of them were saved (not sure that was such a good deal because they had to sit there in the sun and bake with the foam on them) but most were made to jump into the water (not the ocean of course, just the rear pool on the Lido deck). Very cute. The passengers were treated somewhat better. We received a certificate which reads as follows:

"A Voyage Spanning the Hemispheres

To all ye Officers and Members of the crew of All Ships plying the Waters of My Kingdom; ye Mermaids, Mermen and Sea Urchins; ye Whales and Porpoises; ye Fish both Great and Small; and to ye Crustaceans and Lowly Barnacles, Greetings.

Know ye that, Harry Stone III, a Landlubber and Vassal of Terrestrial Rulers, having had the temerity to embark on the World Voyage and to cross our Royal Equator without prior Official Consent, has been caused to appear before Us and the Learned Members of Our Nautical Court, held in special session January 14, 2008. Be it further known that said Landlubber, having been found to be seaworthy, and having, through rigorous trials, given proof of sincere repentance and of abiding devotion to Our Imperial Self, has found favor in Our eyes and is hereby publicly proclaimed to be one of Our Loyal Subjects and an Honorary Member of Our Royal and very Ancient Order of Sellbacks. Which exalted status confers upon its Holder freedom forevermore to cross Our Equator; to roam Our Oceans and Seas to their most distant bounds without further molestation or ritualistic test of loyalty; and to partake in full measure of those gifts of Health, Recreation and High Adventure vouchsafed all Loyal Subjects who venture forth upon Our briny Kingdom."

It is signed by the captain rather than Poseidon. Perhaps Poseidon was too busy?

The only other thing to report of importance about my day is to let you know that my concern about the trash in the ocean may have been premature. I have not seen any more trash. Yea! Apparently just a bad patch. Hopefully it will remain clean for most of my voyage.

More later.

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